Welcome to the big family Seahorse Pool. Buying a swimming pool should not be a burden, but rather a little pleasure of life. Here is a short, basic explanatory guide that briefly explains how an above-ground pool works.
Good pool maintenance starts with knowledge of it!
Before you can fully enjoy and take care of your pool, you may need to familiarize yourself with all of its components. You don't need to take a course or get a doctorate, but knowing the basic parts and their functions helps you ensure the entire pool works properly.
Understanding circulation, filtration and sanitation
Circulation : Each pool has a loop plumbing system, designed to circulate pool water each day. Pool pumps draw water from the pool, then return it after filtering, heating and sanitizing it.
Filtration : Each swimming pool is equipped with a filter to eliminate small particles suspended in the water. Sand, cartridge, or D.E. pool filters are used to keep water clean and clear by passing all water through the filter media, at least once a day. When pressure increases and flow slows, pool filters should be backwashed or cleaned.
Sanitation : Every pool should also have a chemical sanitizer to destroy algae, bacteria and other particles that can make the water harmful to swimmers or turn pool water cloudy and green. Chlorine is the most popular pool sanitizer, but bromine can also be used.

Maintain optimal circulation in the pool
- The pump is the heart of the pool circulation system, it sucks in water and pushes it through the filter to return it to the pool. This is a very important task that must be done every day.
- Make sure the pump basket is clean and properly installed to prevent the impeller from clogging. The pump cover must be lubricated and tightened very tightly to prevent air leaks.
- Run the pump 24 hours a day to keep your pool water clean. When the pool water is colder (beginning and end of the season) you can reduce the operating time, but it is important to maintain a minimum of 12 hours of filtration. **If you have a 2 speed pump or a variable speed pump, simply reduce the RPM
- Check the pump daily to make sure it is working properly and pumping the normal amount of water. Pool pumps can lose efficiency due to air leaks or low water levels in the pool.
Advice: Learn how to check your pool pump for abnormal noises or leaks.
Maximize your system filtration
Your pool filter traps small particles to ensure clean, clear pool water. Without daily pool filtration or timely filter cleaning, particles quickly accumulate and cause pool water to become cloudy and chemical consumption increases significantly.
Here is the list of sand filter positions:
Filtration:You need to be in this position 24 hours a day.
Recirculation: This position allows the pool to circulate without the water passing through the sand. This is the preferred position at the start of the season, to be kept for at least 48 hours before having your water tested.
Backwash:The backwash position allows the pressure in the filter to be reduced and the sand to be cleaned. You should do a backwash when the pressure increases 10 psi above normal pressure. This lasts approximately 1 min – 1 min 30 sec.
Rinse: This is the position following the backwash. This allows the sand to be replaced before returning to the filtration position. The rinse lasts approximately 30 seconds
Close/Fermé: This position serves to close access to water circulation throughout the filtration system. It is ideal for cleaning the pump basket or for making a repair.
Winterize: Position when the pool is closed for the winter season
***Attention! It is important to turn off the pump each time you want to change position on the filter.
Here is a useful link for maintaining your sand filter. Click here !
Maintain a good level of sanitizer and the swing of the pool
In addition to daily circulation and filtration, a dose of sanitizer is also important to maintain clean and clear pool water.
To do this, the most important tool is your Water testing kit. Before using chemicals, do the analysis yourself or have your pool water analyzed. Understanding what's in your water (and what's not in it) is the first step to balancing it.
How to properly take a water sample. Click here !
The three most important elements of swimming pool water chemistry are:
pH: Measuring the acidity or basicity of your swimming pool water. Low pH levels are acidic, while high levels are basic. The ideal range for your pool is 7.4 to 7.6
- To reduce the pH of the water, use pH Minus
- To reduce the pH of the water, use a salt system, use Pristiva Acid Enhance
- To increase the pH of the water, use pH Plus
Alkalinity: Works as a pH buffer and helps prevent large fluctuations in basicity or acidity. The ideal range is 100 to 150 parts per million (ppm). Guide to what total alkalinity is, click here!
- To increase alkalinity, use Alkalinity Plus
Sanitizer: The amount of chlorine, bromine, etc. in your swimming pool water. Appropriate levels vary depending on the type of sanitizer you choose
- For chlorine pools maintain 1 ppm to 3 ppm
- For salt pools maintain 0.5 ppm to 1 ppm

Skimmer, 3-way valve and water return
If your pool's filter is its liver, the skimmer and returns are its veins and arteries.
Your skimmer is used to vacuum up all the debris that ends up on the surface of your water. It is important to empty this basket once in a while to prevent debris from blocking pool circulation. Below your skimmer is a three-way valve. This valve allows you to block access to certain parts of the pool. Most of the time, the three-way valve should be open half skimmer and half bottom drain. To know what you are closing, you must rely on the tip of the handle on the three-way valve and not the handle itself. This will tell you what you are closing.
Additionally, when filling your pool, the water level should fill ¾ of the skimmer mouth. This is equivalent to the third screw of your skimmer (from bottom to top)
As for the water return, make sure it is always tilted 45 degrees downward; Optimal circulation will reduce dead zones in your pool.
Advice: No two pools are the same, and you will undoubtedly encounter maintenance issues specific to your pool over time. But if you get these three things right, you'll be well equipped to deal with most maintenance issues that may arise.

Complete maintenance system for the Minéraluxe swimming pool
The swimming pool maintenance system Mineraluxe is the most advanced maintenance program available on the market.
Your pool is meant to be a special sanctuary for you and your family. The swimming pool maintenance system Mineraluxe allows you to focus on creating memories and enjoying summer with family and friends. Nothing could be simpler to use, it offers incredible water clarity and comfort. The system maximizes the number of swimming days by avoiding potential problems and removes the stress and additional costs associated with owning a pool. The best part is that for the typical pool owner, the Mineraluxe Pool Maintenance System costs less than your daily cup of coffee!

- Mineraluxe Advance Sticks: Mineral-based multi-purpose stick that gives you dazzlingly clear water and perfectly clean surfaces by merging and removing organic waste.
- Mineraluxe Oxygen: Shock based on improved active oxygen and specially formulated with powerful water clarifyers and polishers to keep it sparkling
- Mineraluxe Sanitizer Sticks: Slow dissolving chlorine stick to keep your water healthy.
Using the Pentair iChlor Salt System
When all your equipment is delivered, salt packs come with the pool. When it is time to add the salt to the pool, add 50% of the bags delivered to you. Wait 24 hours and take a water sample to come and have the water tested in store to ensure you have the correct salt level in the pool. A technician at the laboratory will be able to tell you the number of salt pockets missing from the pool.
The generation of chlorine needed for your pool depends on several factors (size of the pool, outside temperature, etc.). The warmer the water temperature, the more chlorine generation must be increased on the machine. To play with this generation, you simply have to press “more” to increase and “less” to decrease.

Pristiva Salt Water Maintenance
Pristiva is in a league of its own when it comes to maintaining a salt pool. The brand was developed after rigorous research and testing. This is unmatched in its ability to create a clear and enjoyable salt pool experience. Our range of Pristiva salt pool maintenance products will meet all your needs and allow you to fully enjoy all the benefits of your dazzling salt pool.

General informations
How to Manually Vacuum Your Pool in 3 Steps
To pass the sweeper, you must close your bottom drain via your three-way valve (below the skimmer). Next, you must fill your vacuum cleaner hose with the water returning from the pool. Finally, you must install your hose on the suction plate (which comes with the skimmer) in the skimmer. You can switch your sweeper to the filtration position and then do a backwash. The other option is to switch the sweeper to the waste position; This prevents you from dirtying your sand with waste found in the water. This option is preferable at the start of the season, when the pool is opened and there is a lot of organic matter inside. Here's a quick three-step guide to knowing how to use the sweeper.
How to use a flexible drain hose
To drain the water from your pool (via the backwash or drain position), you will need to unwind a flexible blue hose. This type of pipe must be handled carefully. Here are a few small steps to follow to prevent it from breaking quickly.
- Stop the pump and unwind the drain hose.
- Put the backwash or drain (waste) position
- Wait for the pipe to fill with water (by gravity).
- Once the pipe is full, start the pump to drain the water.