Sometimes, despite our best efforts to prevent them, these sneaky little spores find a way in and start to grow. Maybe you didn't have time to maintain your pool as you wanted or maybe your filter got clogged without you realizing it. Either way, you have a problem and now you just need to know how to fix it. Removing algae may not be an exact science, but it does require a bit of biology.
Are you ready to get to work? Great ! Let's get started.
The method of destroying algae Dazzle is designed to be an easy to use and highly effective way to destroy algae problems with just one application. The method Dazzle does not waste water and does not require a lot of work. Just apply the products and let them do their job!
1. Turn on the pump
While your pool is being treated, your pump will need to run 24 hours a day. This prevents water from stagnating. When reinstalling the water return fittings, do not overtighten and always position the directional eye down at a 45° angle. If possible, point them in a circular motion to maximize circulation (i.e. point them all down and slightly to the right or left). If you don't tighten the returns too much, you are free to easily change direction throughout the season.
2. Remove Debris
Remove as much floating debris as possible with a net , including algae and floating leaves. You can use your hands, a net or your children. Whatever you want to get the job done!
3. Brush your pool
4. Vacuum your pool
Pass the vacuum cleaner as much of the surface of your pool as possible to remove any algae or debris that has come loose while brushing, again being sure to clean under stairs, along the pool wall and on steps.
While I love a good robotic pool cleaner, it's not the best for cleaning algae, so it's better to do it manually.
5. Clean your filters
Your pool's filtration system will be an essential element in eliminating dead algae! Do a backwash if you have a sand (or stone/glass) filtration system to clean it. If you have a cartridge system, be sure to clean the cartridges well with a good water jet (pressure machine) to remove as much debris as possible.
6. Balance your water
If possible, test and balance the water , in particular the pH (7.4 – 7.6). All swimming pool products work most effectively when the water is properly balanced.
7. Shock treatment
Add Dazzle Ultra Shock : This is a shock treatment for your swimming pool. For best results, apply slowly into a clean, empty skimmer. Wait 15 minutes before applying the Algae Clear 60 .
add Dazzle Algae Clear 60 , our most powerful all-purpose algaecide. Apply by pouring the necessary quantity onto the edges of the pool.

Sometimes all algae problems cannot be destroyed with just one application. The factors that determine this are: 1) how long the algae has been growing, 2) how resistant the strain of algae you have is, 3) what other factors may be contributing to the problem (e.g. filtration or faulty circulation, excessive phosphate, nitrate or ammonia contamination, other chlorine demand problems (e.g. pollen)).
If the pool water does not show noticeable signs of improvement within 48 hours, consult a technician at Piscine Hippocampe for next steps. It is likely that another application of Dazzle Ultra Shock will be necessary.
When the water has lost its green color, we will often find cloudy water or clear water (for the lucky ones). This is completely normal! Cloudy water shows that all the algae is dead, so we can begin the cleaning process to clarify the water.
8. Pool clarification
Apply a sachet Super Pacs de Jack’s Magic in the skimmer, our most effective product to accelerate the destruction of algae and to digest dead algae in order to restore the desired clarity to the water. In colder water it may take longer, but return to desired clarity should occur within 2-4 days.